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Leveraging Behaviour-Based Segmentation in Klaviyo | Enchant Agency

Written by Ollie Tudge | May 13, 2024 12:52:12 PM

Behaviour-based segmentation in Klaviyo can be a powerful tool for marketers seeking to enhance their email marketing strategies.

By utilising features such as Viewed Product History, Purchase History and Acquisition Source, marketers can target specific customer segments effectively. These segments can be tailored based on real-time behaviour, historical data and predictive analytics, allowing for the creation of hyper-segmented audiences for more personalised campaigns.

With the ability to define segments based on various parameters such as location, custom properties, and subscriber lists, Klaviyo provides a user-friendly platform for targeting valuable segments like VIP customers, full-price buyers, or unengaged customers.

By leveraging advanced behavioural segmentation, marketers are able to reach the inbox at the perfect moment, delivering messages that truly resonate and boosting campaign performance. Additionally, delivering more personalised content also effectively nurtures customer relationships, helping increase retention. Let's take a closer look...

Introduction: Behaviour-Based Segmentation in Klaviyo

Understanding the nuances of customer behaviour is crucial to crafting an effective marketing strategy. Klaviyo's behaviour-based segmentation tools empower marketers to dissect and leverage data in real-time, based on a customers' on-site interactions or data collected using one of the 350+ integrated apps Klaviyo carries, including Shopify, Yotpo, Loyalty Lion, Okendo, ShipStation and others.

By concentrating on individual actions such as product views and past purchases, marketers can anticipate future behaviour and preferences, which is invaluable for delivering personalised content. The agility to segment users based on their interactions with products or the brand itself, enables marketers to send targeted emails that are relevant and timely. This relevance is key to not only capturing attention in a crowded inbox but also to fostering a relationship with customers that feels personal and thoughtfully curated. It is this level of specificity and personal touch that can elevate a marketing campaign from good to great, driving engagement and ultimately, conversions.

Power of Behaviour-based Segmentation in Email Marketing


Understanding the Role of Segmentation in Marketing Strategy

Segmentation is the foundation of every successful email marketing strategy. By dividing the customer base based on specific criteria, marketers can tailor their messaging to meet the unique needs and preferences of each segment. Email marketing segmentation allows for personalised communication that resonates with the audience on a deeper level. Rather than casting a wide net with a one-size-fits-all approach, segmentation acknowledges the diversity within a customer base and uses this insight to deliver targeted content. This targeted approach improves the customer experience by making emails more relevant and engaging. These more targeted campaigns will also perform better, receiving a higher click-through rate. With advanced segmentation, marketers can avoid frustrating customers with emails that aren't relevant to them, ensuring that the right message reaches the right people at the right time, thereby maximising the potential for conversion.

How Klaviyo Facilitates Advanced Segmentation

Klaviyo stands out by offering advanced segmentation capabilities that go beyond basic demographic data. It allows marketers to harness the power of behaviour-based triggers such as browsing habits, purchase history, and engagement levels. This enables the creation of dynamic segments that update in real time, ensuring that marketing efforts are based on the latest customer actions across your brand's tech stack. Klaviyo's segmentation is not just about who the customers are, but what they do, providing precision that can significantly uplift campaign performance. For example, if a customer viewed a product but did not purchase it, Klaviyo can automatically place them into a segment to receive targeted follow-up emails. This kind of responsiveness ensures that no opportunity for conversion is missed. By utilising these sophisticated segmentation strategies, marketers can deliver personalised content that drives revenue and nurtures customer relationships.

Leveraging Viewed Product History for Segmentation


Creating a Segment of Subscribers Based on Viewed Product History

Viewed product history is a goldmine for segmentation. Klaviyo enables marketers to track which products subscribers have looked at, providing a clear indication of their interests. By creating a segment based on this history, you can specifically target these customers, offering them personalised content and promotions. For instance, when a product they've viewed goes on sale or is restocked, sending a targeted email to this segment can trigger a purchase decision. This strategy not only increases the relevance of emails, but also capitalises on the initial interest shown by the customer. The result is a higher likelihood of conversion. Additionally, this approach can reignite a customer's latent interest in a product, nudging them towards a sale that might otherwise have been lost.

Using Viewed Product History for Targeted Marketing Campaigns

The data on viewed product history serves as a strategic asset for executing targeted marketing campaigns. It enables marketers to craft highly relevant messages and offers that speak directly to the individual interests of customers. For example, you might use Klaviyo to identify subscribers who have shown interest in a particular product range and then send them emails cross-selling similar products, highlighting new features, or exclusive deals just for them. This targeted approach can significantly enhance the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, as it specifically targets qualified prospects, thereby increasing the likelihood of recipient conversion. Moreover, it allows marketers to be proactive in their strategy, sending out emails at optimal times, such as when a customer is most likely contemplating a purchase. By being tactical with viewed product history, you can create a sense of personalisation that resonates with customers and drives sales.

Utilising Purchase History for Advanced Segmentation


Importance of Targeting Past Purchasers in Email Marketing

Targeting past purchasers is a cornerstone of effective email marketing. Customers who have previously bought from your brand are more likely to do so again. By segmenting these individuals in Klaviyo, you can create campaigns acknowledging their past purchases, introducing them to complementary products and encouraging repeat business. This is crucial as studies show that retaining an existing customer is five to 25 times less expensive than acquiring a new one, emphasising the cost-effectiveness of nurturing and re-engaging established customer relationships. Leveraging purchase history, you can send tailored recommendations or exclusive offers to past purchasers, making them feel valued and increasing the chances of an ongoing relationship. Additionally, this data can inform your marketing strategy, highlighting which products are repeat purchase drivers and which may require more promotional efforts to increase their lifecycle.

Launching Product Variations for Different Purchase History Segments

When announcing new product variations or updates, it makes strategic sense to target its biggest fans. Klaviyo enables marketers to identify customers who have previously bought similar or related items, allowing for effective segmentation based on purchase history. This ensures that targeted announcements of new variations or additions reach the right audience. This not only increases the relevance of the communication but also taps into an already interested audience. For example, if someone purchased a winter coat last season, they might be interested in the latest version or accessories that complement that purchase. By segmenting your audience in this way, you can personalise your marketing campaigns, making them more effective. This strategy boosts the potential for immediate sales and reinforces brand loyalty, as customers appreciate receiving updates on products relevant to their interests and past behaviour.

Acquisition Source and its Role in Segmentation


Tailoring Sign-Up Form Messaging to Match Acquisition Source

The acquisition source is pivotal when seeking to enhance signup rates. Klaviyo provides the functionality to segment visitors by how they found your site, whether through paid ads, social media, or organic search. By tailoring your signup form messaging to match the acquisition source, you can create a seamless experience for new visitors. For instance, if a user clicks through from a Facebook ad promoting a specific product line, the signup form on your site can reference that product line and offer a related incentive for joining the mailing list. This consistency in messaging reinforces the visitor's decision to engage with your brand and can significantly improve their chances of completing the signup process. Personalised sign-up messages resonate more deeply with potential customers, who feel understood and catered to from the first interaction with your brand.

Boosting Sign-Up Rate Through Targeting Based on Acquisition Source

Maximising sign-up rates can be achieved by targeting users according to their acquisition source. When you understand where your visitors are coming from, you can customise your sign-up incentives and messaging to align with their initial interaction with your brand. For example, visitors from a content marketing piece might be more interested in a detailed ebook/guide, whereas visitors from a promotional ad might respond better to a discount code. Klaviyo's ability to track and segment users based on this data is invaluable. It creates tailored experiences that resonate with the audience's expectations. This targeted approach acknowledges the diverse paths customers take to reach you and uses that insight to optimise the sign-up process, ultimately improving the overall effectiveness of your marketing funnel.

Insights from Industry Leaders on Segmentation Strategy


Quotes and Notes from Leading Marketers on Segmentation

Leading minds in marketing consistently illuminate the dynamic nature of customer segmentation. Renowned marketing strategist Dr. Helen Edwards observes, "Segmentation isn't merely about categorising your audience; it represents a pivotal move toward aligning your brand with ideal customers." Dr. Edwards, known for her pioneering work in brand positioning and consumer analysis, captures the essence of segmentation's role as a unifying force within the marketing landscape.

Similarly, the importance of behaviour-reflective segmentation is championed by digital marketing pioneer Michael Smith. With his extensive background in leveraging big data for marketing insights, Smith asserts, "In the panorama of modern, data-centric marketing, segmentation forms the backbone of personalisation, which is the gateway to customer conversion.". These perspectives underscore the integral part that behaviour-based segmentation plays in formulating potent marketing strategies.

Summary: Advanced Strategies for Behaviour-Based Segmentation in Klaviyo

To summarise, advanced strategies for behaviour-based segmentation in Klaviyo offer a robust framework for tailoring email marketing campaigns to individual customer behaviours. By leveraging viewed product history, marketers can create segments highly responsive to specific sales or product restocks. Utilising purchase history allows targeted communication with customers with a proven interest in certain product categories. Meanwhile, aligning signup form messaging with the acquisition source can significantly improve signup rates and user experience. Insights from industry leaders reinforce the importance of these practices, advocating for a segmentation strategy that is not static but evolves with customer interactions. The overarching consensus is clear: sophisticated segmentation leads to more personalised, effective, and ultimately successful email marketing campaigns that resonate with customers on a deeper level, driving engagement and conversions.

Conclusion: Future of Behaviour-Based Segmentation in Email Marketing

As we look to the future, the role of behaviour-based segmentation in email marketing is set to become increasingly significant. With the ever-growing amount of data available, the ability to create highly targeted and personalised email campaigns will be indispensable for brands looking to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Marketers who invest in understanding and implementing advanced segmentation strategies will benefit from deeper customer insights and increased engagement. Klaviyo's sophisticated tools for segmentation provide the means to not only track customer behaviour but also to act on it in real-time. This level of responsiveness is key to the future of email marketing, where personalisation and relevance are paramount. As technology advances, so too will the capabilities for segmentation, promising an exciting horizon for email marketers dedicated to delivering exceptional customer experiences.